The Greek word agápe (/ă-gă-pāy/) means the highest form of love, for it is unconditional love and extends to all.
Agápe Capitalism is a way of doing business based on the power of love...
We aspire toward the highest form of Love
The ethic of the Golden Rule is fundamental
A fair and just free enterprise system is necessary in a free society
Imagination and the power of belief create abundance and well being
Philosophy, science, and technology inform creativity
Earth Day is every day
Lead with Love • The Golden Rule • Do the Right Thing
Agápe Capitalism in action is a practice towards making the world a better place. When we lead with love, practice the Golden Rule (treat others as they want to be treated), and do the right thing, we make an impact on our little corner of the world. This impact, in turn, creates a ripple effect of positivity that affects the whole world.
If we question, "what's the right thing to do?," we can ask ourselves, "am I leading with love?", and "am I treating others as they want to be treated?" When the first two actions are followed, chances are, doing the right thing will be the Right Thing. Each of the three actions informs the other.
Choose Love
A message from founder, Jim Grote
When I started out in business and throughout the years, I was often faced with not knowing what the next day would bring. During those times, leading with love and treating others as they would like to be treated was my guide to doing the right thing, and that always pulled me through.
And it will pull us through now.
I want you to know that we are all family. If we choose love and let it guide us each day, we will bring out the best in ourselves and in each other. In times like these, no matter what you believe, or what you have faith in, now is the time to keep that faith. I’d like to share the principles that I live by:
Choose Love, Lead with Love, and Love Yourself
Treat Others as They Would Like to be Treated
Do The Right Thing
I am often asked “how do you know what the right thing is?” I have found that if I lead with love and treat others as they would like to be treated, then chances are that doing the right thing will actually be The Right Thing. So, whenever you are faced with a challenge, you can ask yourself: Am I leading with Love, Am I treating others as they would like to be treated?
This poem was sent to me by a friend about the power of Love:
“If you take what the Buddha and Christ said,
and all the great yogis, saints, sages,
mystics, and lovers of God,
it can be reduced to two words:
Choose Love.
There is nothing higher than Love,
nothing purer,
nothing more selfless,
nothing more powerful,
and it is present in every moment.
Choose Love.
In all times, in all places —
Choose Love, for Love has already chosen you.”
— Poem from Kali’s Bazaar: Gifts of Devotion to the Divine, Buddhist Wisdom, and Kundalini Yoga Tantra (page 73) by Lawrence Edwards PhD
The best antidote to fear that I know is Love. Have faith in Love. More than ever, we are realizing how much we depend on each other. Be patient and kind. Under stress, people may not be showing up as their best selves. Always try to see the good in yourself and in everyone.
In the practice of Agápe Capitalism, Choose Love always. There is nothing more powerful.
— Jim Grote